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Neighborhood Entrance Signs Will Introduce Your Neighborhood to the Community

Just about every neighborhood has a community entrance sign, which gives some sense of the community to those who live there. This is true of apartment complexes, town-home communities or subdivisions.

These signs also play an important role in way-finding, helping individuals find the correct neighborhood.

As you drive around town, you will see these signs being different sizes and being made of different materials.

Entrance signs for communities will typically reflect the style of that community whether it is a neighborhood of single family homes, a condominium , or apartments.

Some are made of metal, some of brick or stone, others of a High Density Urethane (HDU), and still others made to look like expensive masonry, yet made of plastic-coated foam.

New, Replaced, or Repaired – Neighborhood Entrance Sign Costs

No matter what material is used to make them, eventually, they do show signs of wear and tear from the elements and will need to be updated to keep the neighborhood looking fresh and neat.

We have recently been contacted by several apartment complexes and subdivision HOAs asking to update their existing signage and put a fresh look on their entrances.

Entrance signs for communities | Neighborhood entrance designs

In the past year, we have done quite a few of these types of updates. Some of the jobs have been relatively easy fixes, such as replacing a letter or two that may have fallen off the sign.  Others have been very extensive, including doing masonry work, to fix it and make it look new again.

Projects like these all start when we are contacted by either an apartment complex management company or a member of the subdivision HOA looking to update their neighborhood entrance sign.  We begin working with them to determine if they want to replace the current sign or just do repairs.

Entrance Sign Replacement | Subdivision stone entrance signs

If a replacement is in order, we next need to determine whether or not they want us to duplicate the same design found on their current sign, or create a completely new design altogether.  Most opt to have them updated with a brand new design. Once the design is finalized and the HOA or management company approve, it is on to production.

Depending on the type of sign and the material that will be used, we would use one of several processes. One of the most common methods we use for these types of neighborhood entrance signs using HDU that has either been routed into individual sign faces or individual letters, spelling the name of the community.

Neighborhood entrance sign cost | Custom Subdivision entrance signs

For both these types of signs, the HDU will be routed and then painted according to the design specifications. Once all of this is done, the installation is scheduled and completed.

Custom Subdivision Entrance Sign Design For Everyone!

Due to all nature of this type of project and all the people involved, it can be a long process.  This is the case in determining the design. However, once designs are approved, fabrication and installation can typically be completed within 2-4 weeks.

Are you looking to update the look of your entrance signs?  Fill our request a quote form to contact us or call (678) 714-8700 and find out how we can help.