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Vehicle Wraps: Advertising that Changes the Business of Business

When it comes to advertising, there are a variety of tricks and mediums available to any businessman or woman. Each method has its pros and cons, but one form of advertisement that has little to no negative consequences is vehicle wraps.

Van Wrap | Custom Car Wraps | Vehicle Wraps PricesWhy Vehicle Wraps are Important

For those who aren’t sure what vehicle wraps are by name, it is the method of advertisement where a business covers the entire surface of a vehicle, with essential contact information and attention-grabbing graphics, making it, in essence, a moving billboard.

While many might not be comfortable driving around town in a full-out advertising machine, there are those who take the plunge, and those people are seen everywhere. So here’s the scoop on what makes these business owners go for the wrap.

Cost Effective Advertising

One of the main attractions to this form of publicity is the fact that it is effortless advertising, and almost costless when considering the cost-per-impression. After the initial investment of approximately $2,000 to $4,000 there are no other costs to be had. The typical wrap will make “30,000 to 70,000 impressions per day” and will last three to five years for this one investment. Compare this to the cost of print, television or radio ads that run for a much shorter time-frame for this same investment.

Van Wrap | Vehicle Wraps | Vinyl Wraps

You’re Advertising 24/7

Simply driving in the normal course of doing business is an advertising campaign all of its own. Then, consider the number of people who notice the vehicle as it idly sits in the parking lot or while it is sitting in traffic on the busy city streets. In a study by the American Trucking Association, it was underlined that 91% of the intended audience noticed and remembered vehicle wraps after seeing them.

Further proof of its effectiveness is the variety in business types employing this type of advertising; from Coca-Cola to small local businesses.  All these establishments see the effectiveness of using car wraps. While in the process of running a business, they are also selling to more customers.

Making Impressions & Getting AttentionTruck Wrap Design | Custom Truck Wrap Prices

In addition, what many potential new customers fail to realize about that radio or television ad they complain about hearing constantly, or the billboard seen all over town, is that the ad is doing its job. It has the attention of potential customers and it has them talking about it.

Imagine this kind of visibility a business would earn with a van that passes the same group of people every day going to work, or that eye-catching car always parked near the grocery store. These vehicles are building brand recognition, so that people will remember that wrap when they need the product or service being advertised. And, unlike radio or television ads, this advertising cannot be turned off or switched to another channel.

Car wraps are like a billboard or sign on steroids with the fraction of the cost in the long run. With a vehicle wrap, a business will become more and more noticed by hundreds, even thousands, of people. And being noticed means getting business.

As has assuredly become evident, the effectiveness of a vehicle wrap surpasses that of any other advertising options out in the market today. For those smaller businesses or businesses that are simply not ready to make such a large investment, many local sign companies are more than able to help these businesses brand their vehicles at a price that meets their budget.