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3 C’s of Signage: Cut, Clarity, and CNC Signs

For years, many businesses had a sign shop to serve most of their business signage needs except for custom routed signage.  Often, like in the case of Pinnacle, the sign shop would still handle the details of the sign creation but would have to turn to a second party vendor to have the custom routing process handled for many monument signs, special exterior designs, and eye catching interior signage.  However, the cost of acquiring and providing in house CNC router services to our sign clients has become more cost efficient over the last few years.  It is no longer “outside the budget” for many of our clients.

Laguna CNC Router
New Onsite Laguna CNC Router

That is why our new investment into an in-house Laguna router this week marked a monumental change in the ability of Pinnacle to serve our clients with.  We can now produce some of the high-quality signs we have manufactured over the years in a much more productive and efficient matter.  The new CNC sign making machine allows us to customize channel letters, outdoor signage, marquees, and many other signs that require customize formats and special cuts from our own offices in Buford, GA. We are able to make the best cnc signs from wood to metal out in the market that is custom to your business signage needs.

Pinnacle now has the ability to provide cutting and carving techniques that are more accurate through the same type of CAD/CAM files that you find in many architectural and engineering fields.

What can we do with a CNC sign making machine?

CNC Routers give our designers the ability to create eye catching signage that would be impossible for the team to create using traditional techniques. The ability for the machine to cut 3 dimensional routes wood and metal signs provides a new level for our clients.

Westchester Swim & Tennis Club HDU building sign
Building sign for Westchester Swim & Tennis Club. The main sign is routed and painted HDU, and the logo is routed ACM with a vinyl overlay.


Channel Letter faces can now be directly cut from acrylic and other standard material directly in house to provide the cleanest lines possible for our clients.

The precision of the machine also allows for us to create what is commonly referred to as push thru signage on site.  This type of signage is produced when a mounting sign such as a circle or logo is created with the name of a business routed out of the shape.  Then we can “push thru” acrylic to create a 3-D effect.

CNC machines can simplify the process of cutting out script or cursive style lettering for our clients which allows for greater creative freedom in the design process.  We often do these types of jobs for home builders or HOA clients who want to introduce or create monument entrance signs for their neighborhoods that use script in the name.

The machines ability to be used on a wide variety of materials from acrylic, MDO, HDO, fiberboard, plywood, metals such as aluminum, plastics such as PVC, and various composite materials brings a lot of options to our clients for multiple signage scenarios.

Subdivision Monument Sign for Cook Residential
Subdivision Monument Sign for Cook Residential

Benefits to our Clients

  • Precision fabrication allows the creation of high quality signs
  • Can be used to create signs using a variety of materials
  • Reduces project costs by improving project efficiency and automation
  • Enables the sign designer’s creativity
  • Reduces waste
  • Allows faster fabrication and delivery of signs to customers
  • Sign designs can be saved and repeated later

We always work with our clients to provide the right type of signage to create the brand look and feel that they want to provide their guests.  Now we can do it on-site in a more productive and repetitive manor.

Have a sign idea you wanted to try?  Give us a call for a free estimate.  We have all the tools in place to provide you the signage you need.