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Getting around Campus- More Signage for GSU

College Campus Signage
The blue acrylic backer with mounted stainless steel standoffs

Pinnacle has clients that have become long standing partners since the beginning of our company.  One of those is Georgia State University.  With the collegiate season in full swing, our last month at GSU has been filled with activity.

Campus Wayfinding System
New Call Center Branding for GSU

Campus Signage Design – Laying out the Letters

We have done several jobs around campus that involve typical dimensional letter signs. Several of the installs basic letter installs different offices around the campus using laminated brushed aluminum plastic on the face of ¼” black PVC.   After the letters are assembled, we route the sheet into letters and bond the two materials into a finished product. Evelyn, a GSU representative, requested six installations to finish off two suites by identifying the services provided at each location for the campus. The project was completed by numbering the individual windows to increase way-finding for the students when they are called to speak to appropriate personnel.

Campus Signage Solutions – Signs for the Call Centers

Another one of our contacts at GSU, Vernessia, needed new signage for her call centers.  The call center, formally home to Georgia Perimeter College, now serves as two call centers for GSU. The existing sign that needed to be replaced with new re-branded signage was going to leave a lot of damage to the wall when removed.

University Directional Signage
Brushed Acrylic Letters for GSU

To replace the existing signage and cover up any damage that might be cause by removal, we applied the letters on a blue acrylic backer and mounted it with stainless steel standoffs. Rather than putting letters directly on the wall, the signage served the need to re-brand and cover up any evidence of the former signage.  It also provided a nicer, updated look for the call center.  By including the blue acrylic backer, GSU now has the additional advantage of being able to move the sign if the call center is relocated in the future.

The use of acrylic backing is often used by clients to provide signage that is portable in case of future growth needs.  However, this is the first time we have used this technique for Georgia State.

Do you have need for University signage to be updated, replaced, or an area that needs to be covered?  Give us a call!  We offer free consultations for all signage needs.