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5 Questions Every Business Should Consider – Vehicle Wraps

Vehicle Wraps are more than full custom graphics on a car, van, service vehicle or boat — they are a part of a company’s marketing strategy. A vehicle wrap can actually have the biggest return on investment of any advertising strategy when properly planned and carried out by the business.

What does the company get out of using vehicle wrap advertising benefits?  12186239_1019456388084897_5339405233194949354_o

A business can generate A LOT of exposure through custom vehicle wraps. Auto wraps tend to be colorful, eye-catching, and hard to ignore. What that basically means is that they attract lots of attention.  In addition, it’s a form of advertising with a captive audience.  What that means for your advertising strategy boils down to people who are stuck in traffic can’t avoid seeing the wrapped car alongside them.

Does a vehicle wrap advertising work?

The amount of traffic your vehicle wrap receives largely depends on how frequently a business travels or how far they travel.  If your company vehicles frequent in high-traffic, urban areas then there is a chance that your vehicle wrap graphics are getting seen more frequently than any billboard, TV commercial, magazine ad, or online banner. Rather than a static billboard or sign, marketing on a vehicle is seen by people literally throughout a community. The word is spread from one side of town to the other.

If your company vehicles are stuck in rush-hour traffic every day, it is still worth considering the kind of traffic routes they do encounter.  For instance,  a floating refueling business on the neighborhood lake may want to  consider the amount of boaters and type of boater that would see you on the lake on any given weekend.  Wrap your company boat with a design that speaks to that target audience as you travel around.   Other examples include mobile tutoring services in a college town, grocery delivery services in a high retirement area, or just simply your local hardware store.  Would you open the door for an unmarked van delivering an appliance?

Great Cover Up- Van WrapHow much do vehicle wraps cost my company?

Quite honestly it may save your company money in the long run.  Most advertising efforts in high traffic or high visibility areas are monthly marketing expenditures on a company budget.  Many large corporations have spent the last few years cutting back on the amount they spend for TV commercials, print marketing, and even some digital promotions in order to find more cost-effective solutions.  A onetime cost to wrap a company vehicle may be much less expensive allocated over 12 months than the current budgeted price for billboards and other stationary marketing.  When a business considers vehicle wraps as an advertising strategy and not a new paint job, it can pay off in the company’s bottom line.

What if my company is small – adding vehicle wraps to your business plan?

The size of the company now is not as important as the size you want the company to be a year from now.  Vehicle advertising works — a vehicle wrapped with information and display advertising gets noticed by motorists and pedestrians alike. Those who pass a car that has a corporate logo and contact info on it can’t help but notice and take in the information. In many instances, this type of marketing serves as a reminder to people that they need to take action and call a plumber, hire a landscaper or paint a room in their house.

Wrapping a vehicle in a colorful and impactful display advertisement gets the word out all over town. Companies that use this strategy on multiple vehicles wrapped in display advertisements can give the impression that a business is large and growing. People will think that are seeing a company’s advertisements all over town — which, in fact, they are. This is an impactful and cost-effective way to promote a business and market particular services — whether a caterer, a daycare or a dental practice.

Thrive Wrap

What if I only have one vehicle? 

Ask your husband, best friend, or employees if they would be willing for you to co-brand their vehicle.  You could allocate a certain “gas allowance” a month for their consideration.  Once you business grows beyond your current situation, consult your accountant to see if purchasing a vehicle for the business is the next right step.  They you can wrap both personal and company vehicles to increase your exposure.

Want to take the next step?

We would love to help you determine if a vehicle wrap is the best fit for your advertising strategy.   Our team can help you determine price and custom design for your company vehicle no matter how large or small.  Give us a call for a free estimate today.