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Drive Traffic with Tourists! Importance of Outdoor Directional Signs

As things heat up this summer, so does the amount of time people spend on vacations and destination getaways.  The Atlanta area is full of tourist destinations that range from major ballparks to outdoor havens.   Just miles from our office, thousands of people visit Lake Lanier each year and in the process pass by hundreds of local businesses. Channel Letter Sign - Eight Sushi

AAA states that 35% of Americans will go on vacation and 69% of them will do so by driving to their destination. 

The outdoor signs found along the way to a destination tells tourists a lot about the destination — and help build business for those communities.  The internet and Google Maps maybe transforming how people travel, but the roadside signs along the way can play an important role in the amount a business the community receives from those visiting.

“A sign that is well maintained creates a different image than one that is poorly maintained or constructed.” – Signs of the Times

The hospitality industry as a whole can benefit from looking at their tourist signage and determining what kind of impression someone who is visiting the area will receive at first glance.  Hotels, Restaurants, and local shops can direct a lot of traffic from online searches and Google maps listings.  However, if their outside signage doesn’t speak to the concept, you may never see them step foot through the door.

Things to consider when trying to drive business with your outdoor signs:

Backlit Channel Letter Sign |
Backlit Channel Letter Sign for better visibility
  • Visibility – Is your business right on a major traffic highway or are you tucked away just out of site? The answer to this questions can play a huge role in the kind of sign and amount of signs you need to drive both local and tourist business.  We all know about that fabulous hole in the wall restaurants where the locals go!  However, it’s hard to drive new customers if the new customer can’t find their location.
  • Neighborhood– Does your sign speak to the neighborhood? Historic Districts and Urban epicenters may draw different types of visitors and need to comply with different types of sign ordinances.  By knowing the type of people who visit the area, you can make sure your signs and your audience is in collaboration.
  • Lighting– Does your business attract more people when the lights go out? If so, then considering LED or Neon lighting maybe helpful to drive new customers driving through.
  • Wayfinding– Do you need to incorporate instructions in your signage? Often multiple signs with arrows or directions can help those less familiar with your area walk through your front door.
Window Mural | Outdoor Directional Signs
A large window mural can be used to advertise for a business, even if it isn’t on the property itself.

So whether a local visitor is hoping to find Asian Fusion or dinner and a show, help them find you when they come looking!

We have plenty of experience in creating sign systems for our clients.  If you would like a free consultation on how to make sure you are driving traffic through outdoor signage, give us a call!