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LED Signs: Using Digital Message Boards

InLED Digital Message Board | Outdoor LED Message Board the sign community, digital message boards have grown in popularity over the last few years.  These LED based message centers offer many advantages to traditional static signage.

LED signs that are used as outdoor message boards are often the most effective and least expensive form of advertising your small business can utilize.  These outdoor programmable message boards give a business the ability to target large audiences that are already near your brick and mortar location with a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising methods.

Per our friends at Watchfire signs, “an LED sign might cost as little as 74 cents per 1,000 impressions — compared to over 22 dollars for television and 13 dollars for radio”.  Companies often can reduce their marketing budgets in other areas by better utilizing their business signage as a media stream right at their location.

Having an LED sign that acts as an electronic message sign on location gives complete control over your message. Messages can be changed out more frequently and provide more targeting by using the software provided for the signage.

LED signage is not only effective at trying to drive revenue, it also can help achieve these business objectives:

  • Remind customers of your products and services
  • Establish an identity
  • Attract new customers
  • Promote high margin inventory
  • Recruit new staff members

What do you need to know about LED Signs?

Determining where and how you will use digital signage is the best place to start.  The location of your signage will greatly affect the size, resolution and model that works the best for your business.

Installation considerations may also play a role, particularly if you are replacing or retrofitting your existing outdoor signage. We can work to help you analyze each of these factors to help you select the right sign for your location.

Werner Law Firm Digital Message Board
Interchanging message reader board installed for Werner Law Firm

Pitch, Resolution and Viewing Distance

One of the largest considerations and often the most confusing for the business is determining the correct pixel pitch.  The pixel pitch is effectively the resolution of the sign. The tighter the pitch, the higher the resolution. The 10mm & 12mm high resolution models are best for close viewing, while the wide pixel pitches in our 16mm & 19mm are meant for signs higher from the ground and farther from traffic.

We have recently installed both 10mm & 12mm digital message boards in multiple locations around Atlanta.  The outdoor electronic sign we installed for Paradise Cove Car Wash and Werner Law firm utilized 12mm pitch to capture traffic driving by on busy traffic routes.

The programmable LED message board we installed for Newton Federal uses 10mm pitch to gain the highest resolution exposure possible to capture close, drive-by traffic.

Reader Boards for Paradise Cove
Interchanging message reader board installed for Paradise Cove Car Wash in Dallas, GA

Installation & Training

Since Pinnacle Custom Signs partners with Watchfire Signs to bring you the best digital message boards and software in the business, we also can offer their training services.  Once the signs have been installed at your businesses location, the team at Watchfire can help provide training to your staff to utilize the software with the sign to its full capacity.

Other Considerations

When considering a digital message board, you have to consider sign ordinances in your area.  Full Color signs are great but often monochrome signage is needed for specifically zoned areas.  Do you need full video capability?  Do you need to upgrade existing signage?  Are you working within a specific budget?

All of these questions can be answered by one of our staff.  So, the next time you consider signage for the front of your business, think about the advantages of outdoor digital message boards.

For more information about sign pitch, check out this great video from our colleagues over at Watchfire.