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Atlanta Sign Companies: How Do You Choose the Best One for Your Project?

Searching for the right Atlanta sign companies for your project is not dissimilar to finding any other type of vendor. There are steps you can take to make sure you get the best results in this difficult process. It is important for you to do your research, since the capabilities and qualifications of different sign companies can vary quite a bit.

choosing a sign companyMany sign services, like retrofitting of buildings, manufacturing, design, long term maintenance agreements, securing of sign permits, and sign installation are offered by Atlanta sign companies. You can narrow the field drastically by determining what services you need and which sign companies provide them.

Routing, silkscreen printing, engraving, sandblasting, digital printing, etching, and more are among the many different ways to make signs. If you do not know which process is best for your purposes, then you will need to rely on the depth of knowledge and experience of the sign vendor you choose.

To help you choose the right company, here are some tips:

Check out the Company’s Work

For the Atlanta sign companies you are considering doing business with, personally take a look at the signs they have produced at the locations where they were installed. Sign businesses should be able to direct you to locations of their signs that can be viewed by the public. Be sure to note whether they used quality materials, the sign layout is professionally done, and if they are well made.

Ask for Recommendations

Find out who the vendor was for any signs you might see that you like, whether it is a great layout, look, or overall impression. Most people you talk to will gladly share the information and will be pleased with the attention you are paying to their signage. Also, your colleagues or peers may have had a positive signage experience with a particular company that they would like to share with you.

Is Price or Quality More Important?

Who will be seeing your sign? Where will it be located? The lowest cost vendor may make the most sense if you are just putting a sign in a janitor’s closet. However, you will want to splurge on the best for your company logo on your front door, since all visitors to your business will see it. A good start is getting two or three quotes from competing Atlanta sign companies.

Pick a Company with a Good Reputation

You want a sign company that can back up their claims regarding their reputation and work. Be sure to check out what customers say about them in online reviews and see how long the company has been in business. The quality of work of a company and how well they treat their customers will determine their longevity. Also, finding out if a sign vendor stands behind their work is also important.

Pinnacle Custom Signs is the most recommended sign company in the Metro Atlanta area. If you would like to find out what solutions they can provide for your company, email or call today for a free consultation!