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Channel Letter Sign using a Mesh Backer Mounted to an Awning: A Unique Solution

One of the most common types of lighted signs used by businesses is a channel letter sign. These are usually mounted directly to the building façade and are usually internally lit. A typical channel letter sign is fabricated using aluminum to minimize rusting. While often created as individual letters, they are also sometimes combined with custom shaped cabinets which can include a logo, or sometimes additional text that would be too small to fabricate into these letters.

Channel Letters on Mesh Banner
With all the windows and the awning on this building, mounting this sign to the building was not an option.

Custom LED Channel Letter Signs for Restaurant

Channel letters are often mounted to a building using a “raceway” which will house the wiring used for the lighting of the sign. Other times, the letters are individually mounted to the building, which has a cleaner look that is often requested by a building’s landlord.

Eight Sushi is a new sushi restaurant that opened in the West Midtown area of Atlanta. To them, the experiences at their eatery are as special as the items on the menu. They feature “all levels of sushi” as well as “chef’s surprises, special tastings, appreciation events and other little extras”.

Shortly after they opened, we were contacted by Windy Soenarto, the owner. She realized they needed a lighted sign so that their location in the Brady building was visible for customers looking to find them. However, the landlord was very strict about size of the letters Eight Sushi was allowed to use.

Channel Letter Sign For Restaurant
Channel Letter sign mounted on an awning was the perfect solution to the challenges this building presented.

Another issue they had was that there was no room on the building to mount the channel letters due to the awning on the front of the building and all the windows. Windy knew that the sign would have to be mounted on the awning. She also wanted the channel letters to be mounted to a mesh backer so that it would have a wave look to it.

Windy had a few ideas as to what she wanted the sign to look like, which caused us to go through quite a few design iterations. For instance, in one of the first designs, we had the words “Sushi Lounge” in what we call a “cigar box”, which is a lighted cabinet that looks like its namesake. However, the design was later changed to make these letters a little larger and the word “Eight” a bit smaller. This allowed the “Sushi Lounge” to be made from one-inch PVC painted red so they too stand out from the mesh backer.

Cool Channel Letter Sign For Restaurant
Channel Letters look like they float above the awning of this building due to the mesh metal backer.

The overall effect of mounting this sign to an awning and using a mesh backer, instead of a solid one, gives the illusion that the sign is floating on the top of the awning, making this quite a unique sign.

Does your building or landlord present challenges to getting the type of lighted sign you’d like? If so, give us a call or contact us and let our design team come up with a solution to meet everyone’s needs and give the desired look.