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Helping Our Customers Keep Social Distance

With the COVID-19 situation causing businesses to re-think how they interact with customers, we recently had the opportunity to work with three customers who approached things a little differently. 

As we all know, over the past three or four weeks, our country has changed drastically because of the current pandemic. As a result, businesses have had to re-think how they can interact with their customers while maintaining the proper social distance to keep the virus from spreading.

Here is how three of our customers asked us to help them communicate with their clientele and encourage them to maintain the proper distance without endangering others.

Maintaining Space between residents at Apartment Complexes

Custom Yard Signs for Venterra Properties in Atlanta

Venterra Living is an apartment management company that has 10 properties in the Atlanta area. They needed signs to remind their residents to keep the proper six foot social distance between each other while in common areas such as the parking lot. 

They had us make yard signs that would be placed in areas where the residents would gather together. The signs for all ten properties used the same color scheme for consistency and suggested that residents be social, but at a distance.

We designed and delivered these signs to them withing 36 hours to help them with maintaining both federal and state mandates on social distancing.

Car Dealerships Keeping Space in their Showrooms

Custom easel signs and a-frame signs to encourage safety

Rick Hendrick Chevrolet in Buford had a similar situation in their showroom. They wanted it to be clear to people who entered their showroom that they were taking the six foot Social Distancing rule seriously. 

They already had some easel stands they used in their showroom and had asked us to create some easel signs requesting that people maintain a six-foot distance from others while in the facility.

Another Buford car dealership, Kia Mall of Georgia, decided to take the orders one step further and decided to lock their showroom and do showings and sales by appointment only.  They had us create new inserts for some A-frame signs they used in the past, letting customers know that while the showroom was locked, they could browse the lot on their own and make an appointment if they found a car they liked.

To make sure that customers on their lot knew that they could make a real time appointment, we created static cling stickers for them to put on their vehicles instructing what customers should do in order to set an appointment.  This allowed them to also comply with local and state law, but still sell their products.

Other Ways we can help

These are just a few examples of how we have helped our customers spread the word about maintaining a proper social distance to help stop the spread of the virus. Some other ways you can use signs to keep your customers safe are:

static clings - car decals for two car dealerships
  • Floor Graphics – We’re sure you have seen in grocery and other big box stores where they have placed tape on their floors at six-foot intervals encouraging people to stay that far apart while in line. While we haven’t been asked to make these, we certainly can and can have them customized to your brand.
  • Banners – Banners are a great way to let customers know if you are open and doing business, albeit maybe a little bit differently. For example, restaurants can let passersby know that while the dining room is closed, they are open for take-out and curbside pickup.
  • Site Signs – Used by construction companies to let visitors to the job site know what the rules for being on the property.

As we move into the future and our customers may require new types of signs to help stem the spread of the virus, we will be there to help them out. If you need something, just click the “Get a Free Quote” button above and one of our sales team members will get back to you.

As time goes on, businesses may require new types of signage to help stem the spread of the virus. We are here to help. If your businesses needs new signs, click here to request a free quote and one of our sales team members will get back to you. Below, Don Conklin explains how Pinnacle is here for you.