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New Coronavirus Procedures for Pinnacle

As we battle COVID-19, Pinnacle Custom Signs is committed to providing the essential signage for your business, while doing our best to protect you, our valued customers, as well as our associates.

This has resulted in several temporary changes to our business as we look out for your safety and the safety of our associates. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work through this challenge together.

Stand Together Against COVID-19

The safety of our team is extremely important to us, and to this end, we have implemented several changes within our facility according to the protocols recommended by the CDS and other health authorities such as:

  • Moving desks to be at least 6’ apart, so that those that work in the office maintain a safe social distance
  • Wiping down surfaces with disinfectants, keeping surfaces clean
  • Encouraging the washing of hands
  • Making hand sanitizer available for all to use throughout the day.

We also examined how we do our work and found other areas of our business that could be made safer for our team as we perform our work.

Pinnacle Custom Sign Company remains open but with limited interaction

As mentioned in our newsletter, in conjunction with the executive order issued by Governor Kemp on Thursday, April 2, 2020, we have decided to send our team home for the week of April 6th in order to follow the shelter in place order. We will still continue to run the business, but without the full team on site.

A skeleton crew will be in and out of the office, allowing us to continue the essential functions of the business.

Our sales team will have access to their email and will respond to your requests as frequently as possible, so please reach out to them if you need something. At the same time, we will work on as much production as possible during this time.

After we return to the office, we plan to implement some additional changes to our normal operations until the coronavirus threat is over. Here are some of the changes we will be implementing at that time:

Indoor Sign Installations are on hold until the COVID-19 threat is over
  • Indoor/Interior Sign Installations will be postponed until the end of April, when federal social distancing guidelines expire unless we can ensure that our team will be safe (such as in an empty room that will allow them to also maintain social distance).
  • We have locked our front door to visitors and have asked if they are at our facility to pick up signs or drop off vehicles, to call the office for additional directions.
  • Deliveries will be dropped off in designated areas.
  • When vehicles come in for graphic installations, we will ask the driver of the vehicle to park it in a designated bay when they drop it off and then have the customer drive it out of the garage when they come to pick it up.

While we don’t like having to implement these procedures, we feel that doing these things will keep our team safe, and in turn keep their families safe. They will also help keep you safe as well.

If you have any other suggestions for helping us to stay safe, please let us know. We are always open to great ideas.