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New Sign Faces for Monument Signs in City of Barnesville

In late February of this year, we were contacted by Kenny Roberts, city manager of Barnesville, GA.  They had recently built monument signs for an industrial park and had not been able to find a sign company that could finish the project to their satisfaction. The last attempts to finish the signs left them with crooked and jagged lettering and they were exploring replacing the sign faces on these monument signs to see if that would fix the problem.

Sign Faces for Monument Signs | Marque Signs Face Replacement We suggested that they use routed High Density Urethane (HDU) sign faces to give the signs at both entrances a consistent look.   After negotiating an appropriate price for the job, Don went to Barnesville to meet with Kenny and get measurements on the project.

Kenny had arranged for the bucket truck from the local electric company to take him up to get the measurements.  To his surprise, none of the measurements on the four sides of the two signs were the same.  So we had 4 sides that were “off” a little, meaning that all 8 of the signs that would go on the 4 sides had to be designed slightly differently.

After the initial design was done, Joanne was not confident with the measurements that Don had taken, so we sent Matt and Stephen down to re-measure the signs.  This time, they used coroplast “models” cut to the measurements of the arches we already had to see if our existing dimensions were correct and the new faces would fit the spaces.

New Sign Faces For Monument SignsHowever, when they returned, we found we still had some tweaking to do in order to get them just right.  Joanne still wasn’t 100% confident that everything would line up, and since this was a rather large project, we sent Stephen down one last time to measure, just to make sure we had the correct measurements.

This time, Joanne had him measure key points on the existing signs that would allow her to more accurately model the arches for each face using our design software.  This proved to provide us with what we needed to finalize the design.

Confident that we were now correct, we had the signs routed and then painted, an effort that took the entire team to complete in order to make our deadline.  We held our breath as the signs left our facility for installation; however, the install went off without a hitch, and the city was excited about the final product.

The whole project proves the adage, “Measure twice (or, in our case, three times) and cut once”!!