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Individually Mounted Channel Letters

In mid-February Stephen responded to a lead generated by our website for a chemical company needing a new channel letter sign. His contact, Liz, told him they were looking for a new sign that would help them stand out.

Channel Letters with No Raceway | Channel Letter Signs Pricing

The company was formerly known as Rhodia, and has recently partnered with Solvay, a European-based chemical group. They had representatives from Solvay in Germany coming into town and wanted to impress the new company representative. Stephen and Liz met at the office to discuss their needs, and were joined by John, their Operations Manager.

After discussing the different options and sizing.  Since they were looking to put the channel letter signage on a very large warehouse building, they needed something that would stand out and be noticed.

They decided to go with 40 inch tall individually mounted LED channel letters, using a light blue acrylic face to contrast with beige siding found on the building so they could be clearly seen from a distance.

Individually mounted channel letters differ from typical channel letters in that the letters are not attached to a raceway that houses all the electrical wiring for the sign.  Because of this, each letter is mounted independently, which gives the sign a neater appearance on the side of the building.

The goal was to get the signage up before the beginning of April in time for the site visit from the new corporate office. After just 5 weeks our team had the sign designed, manufactured and installed to make sure John and Liz were ready for the meeting with their international partner. The entire company was happy to have their new lighted sign up in time for this very important site visit.  They were so excited, they sent us the photo showing the sign lit up at night!