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Outdoor Directory Signs – Tell People Where to Go (Part 2): Point Visitors to the Right Destination

In Part 1 of our project, we told you how Coles Barton LLP came to us to help them with some signage to identify their building and the suites within it.  When Stephen first met with their Brenda, their Office Manager, she explained how Coles Barton owned the building they were in, but leased the second-floor suites to other businesses.

Outdoor Directory { Directory Signs | Building Sign

Not Having A Sign At The Front Door

The problem they were having was that they would often have people who were looking for the businesses on the second floor walk into their suite and they would need to direct them to the correct entrance in order to help them find the right place to go.

During their meeting, the two walked the property, both inside and out, trying to determine the best solution to direct people to the right suite upon arrival.  One part of the solution was to install some outdoor directory signs that would guide these visitors to the correct entry and clearly identify when they were not in the right place.

We started at the front door with an exterior sign to identify their firm. This sign allows visitors that walk up to the front door to realize they are at the wrong entrance and that they must go around to the back of the building.

Outdoor Parking Lot Directory Signage

After this issue was settled, we walked to the parking lot and decided we would need a couple more signs, directory signs this time, to direct the visitors to the correct entrance and suites. We decided to put two directories in the back of the building, one visible from each possible entrance.

Stephen suggested post and signs using a treated plywood material, called MDO, for the directories with individual poly-metal inserts for the different suites. This gives the flexibility to change the inserts and not the entire sign if the second-floor tenants should change over time.  Both the MDO and the poly-metal inserts were painted to match the interior of the building and used cut vinyl for the lettering.

For the front sign, again, we used MDO, painted to match the directory signs.  However, there would be no poly-metal as its sole purpose was to identify Coles Barton LLP’s suite.

After installing these signs, Coles Barton LLP was very pleased with the new outdoor signage and looks forward to having less unnecessary foot traffic come through their front door.