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Two Outdoor Lighted Sign Options

In August we had the opportunity to work on two separate projects that shows two different outdoor lighted sign options for a new or existing business.

Our first customer was Nicole Swiecki who is opening up a new salon in Suwanee named Blvd. Salon.  She was looking for a way to have her sign look distinctive and stand out from the rest in this busy city.Outdoor Lighted Channel Letter Sign

Why Use LED Channel Letters

She came to our office and sat down with Phillip, our lead designer, and they came up with a design that had a clean and fresh look to it.  We then determined that the best way to light these signs would be through traditional internal lighting.  We created channel letters that have LED lights in them.  The LEDs makes them brighter and more efficient from a power usage standpoint.

Nicole was really excited when the sign was finally installed.  She is putting the finishing touches on the new salon and is looking forward to her Grand Opening due shortly.  If you live near the Suwanee area and are in need of a new hair dresser, try Blvd. Salon and tell them the Pinnacle team sent you!

Our second customer, Dr. Mark St. Onge, also contacted us about outside signage.  He was opening up BuckHaven Veterinary Clinic, a  modern veterinary facility dedicated to the medical treatment and care of dogs and cats, and the service of clients in the Brookhaven and Buckhead communities. Indirect Lighted Building Sign

The architecture of the building that the new clinic was going into did not lend itself to a channel letter sign.

Therefore, we decided to propose a routed High Density Urethane (HDU) sign, and then illuminate them in the evening using indirect lighting. The color scheme for the signs was developed with Dr. St. Onge such that they stand out against the color of the brick facade of the building.

Along with the building signs, he also had us route out the address numbers for the building, using the same HDU.  In addition to the outside signage, we will be doing the interior signage on his walls and doors when he is closer to opening his doors in order to complete the look of his building.

As you can see, both these projects utilized lighted signs for these businesses; however, they both used different lighting methods for two completely different looks.  Whether you want to use internally or externally lighted signs, we can help you to accomplish the look you are trying to achieve.