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The Best Parts of Working for a Sign Company

A sign company is a unique business that works diligently to provide the best customer service possible. This way, the customers have branding that will get them recognized and known by potential customers. There are several positive aspects that are unique in working for a sign company that other businesses typically can’t offer.

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Helping a Franchise to Open a New Location with a Channel Letter Sign

Randy Clevenger who currently owns two franchise locations of WorkOut Anytime Fitness contacted us to see if we could help them out with a location about 10 minutes from our facility. They were taking over four suites in a Publix shopping center which had very different elevations.  When they first contacted us, they asked us to help with the channel letter sign they needed to identify the new location.

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Using a Vehicle Wrap as a Creative Way to Advertise for a Jewelry Store

In the past we have always shared that the vehicle wraps are, hands down, one of the most cost-effective ways to advertise your business, particularly in Atlanta where traffic can be horrendous.  Just think of how many hours a week you sit in it, and how many vehicles you see while sitting there.  One recent trend we’ve been seeing is companies buying an older van, wrapping it and then parking it in their parking lot by the side of the road where the most traffic is driving by.

This allows for additional visibility over and above their tenant slot on the shopping center’s entry sign(s), creating a virtual billboard that gets the business noticed while merely sitting there.  And, just like any other vehicle wrap or graphics, it also gives them the opportunity to advertise their business as they are conducting their day-to-day business.

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Designing Exterior Signs for the Right Fit

One of the first things a new business owner thinks of when it comes time to start designing exterior signs for their business is how they can get their logo on the sign in order to build brand awareness.  And, more often than not, they want to make that sign as large as possible to make sure the new sign has maximum visibility.  Size is typically dictated by the sign ordinances for the specific municipality the business is located.

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Traits of Good Business Signage

You made the first step in deciding to get your business a sign. But what makes the difference between just an ordinary, everyday sign to one that stands out among the rest? How exactly do you know if you truly have good business signage that will bring in revenue and curious customers? Signs are everywhere, and with so many options out there that you can choose from, it’s hard to determine which one will serve you and your company best.

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Using Flex Face Signs to Update Mall Entrance

In the past, we have been lucky enough to have done several jobs for Stanley and Sons Construction Company.  Last Spring, we were contacted by their Vice President, Tom Gooby, to help him bid on a job he had at a local mall, Sugarloaf Mills.

Sugarloaf Mills had been undergoing a major renovation, and part of the project was to update one of the main entrances. This project included removing several structures and updating the sign faces that had been at the mall since its opening in 2000. We were excited about making the mall’s appearance fresh with original signage that would draw in new customers just in time for the holidays.

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How to Avoid Replacing Your Business Signage

Part of maintaining a positive, public image is maintaining a clean, bright, shiny appearance of your business signs. A dull and faded sign sends a negative message about a business, and will most likely give people a poor impression of a company before they even step foot in the store. Even signs made of the finest material won’t last forever as they eventually will become dented, discolored, etc. after both time and weather have taken their toll. Don’t be that business with a sign out front that clearly looks like it is on its last leg of life.

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Updating Subdivision Signs across Atlanta

Updating Subdivision Signs Across Atlanta

Many people in the Atlanta area live in subdivisions that are marked by entrance signs. Some of these signs are fairly simple, while others can be quite elaborate. Over time, these signs tend to show symptoms of wear and tear due to weather or other elements such as how the sign was constructed in the … Read more

Sign Design isn’t Just for Pretty Looks

Everyone knows that an attention-grabbing sign is what every business needs, and this is most often accomplished with the design. However, there are many other factors that also need to be taken into consideration when doing sign design.   One crucial component that should be factored into designing a new sign is the installation environment.

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