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Phantom Fireworks Comes to Georgia – Expanding Business Needs New Signs to Open

Sometimes there are laws passed that will benefit small businesses.  One such law recently passed in the state of Georgia was making the sale of fireworks legal in the state, effective July 1st, 2015.  With the passing of this law, Phantom Fireworks, whose tag line is “Lighting Up Backyards of America from Coast to Coast®“, will be expanding business operations into the Atlanta market.

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Business Moving to a Larger Storefront

One sign of a successful business is when you’ve outgrown your space and need to move your business to a new, larger facility. Once you’ve determined the location and arranged for the typical things needed for the move, such as power, utilities, and floor plan, you will need to figure out what you will need to do about your signage.

Can you use your existing signage? Will it be adequate for the new space, or do you need something a bit larger? Are there any other new signs you will need? These are just a few of the things to take into consideration, as well as the appropriate permits, designs, costs, etc.

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What Separates Pinnacle from Other Sign Companies?

A few months ago, Stephanie, a former team member of ours, wrote a blog on what it is like working for a sign company from the perspective of a person just starting in the sign industry.  Just before she left on her new adventure at Delta Airlines as a flight attendant, she took the opportunity to interview both Joanne and Josh to pick their brains on their overall experience in the sign business.

Since they both have worked for various sign companies over the years, we were curious to hear their opinions on how Pinnacle Custom Signs differs from the other companies that they have worked with in the past.

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Give Your Office a Professional Look with a Custom Lobby Sign

What do customers see when they walk into your office? And, how do they know they’ve reached the right office? A lobby sign gives your office a professional and polished look and clearly identifies the business working there.

Lobby signs can be made from a variety of materials. They can be as simple as just putting cut vinyl on the wall behind the receptionist’s desk. Or, they can be more complex and dimensional designs made of materials such as metal, acrylic, PVC and vinyl.

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Neighborhood Entrance Signs Will Introduce Your Neighborhood to the Community

Neighborhood Entrance Signs Will Introduce Your Neighborhood to the Community

Just about every neighborhood has a community entrance sign, which gives some sense of the community to those who live there. This is true of apartment complexes, town-home communities or subdivisions. These signs also play an important role in way-finding, helping individuals find the correct neighborhood. As you drive around town, you will see these … Read more

Is that Sign Permit-ted? Know when You Need One

Being a custom sign company, we offer a wide range of products and services to our customers.  Signs can range from the temporary, such as stickers, yard signs, banners and point of presence signs to encourage those impulse buys, to more permanent interior  and outdoor signs like lobby signs, room markers,  wall murals, lighted signs and monument signs.  While most signs don’t require a sign permit, how do you know if your new sign will?

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New Restaurant Exterior and Interior Signs & Menu Boards

Panther Pizza is a small cafeteria/restaurant for students, faculty and staff at Georgia State University (GSU). They serve Pizza, Pasta and Sandwiches. The interior of the restaurant had not been updated in about 10 years, and it was time for a renovation. For the construction and renovation, GSU reached out to Dennis Lippy at Lippy Construction, who then contacted Stephen on our team to come take a look at the project back in November.

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Importance of Directional Signage

Imagine… you’re in a huge mall complex trying to find a specific store or a department within a store, but you have no idea on which floor or in which direction you should go. Or, you are grocery shopping with your screaming two-year-old and just want to get out of there, but can’t seem to find the eggs you need for breakfast tomorrow to save your life. Or, you are lost trying to find your classroom at a big university, and you are already running late for class.  In each of these scenarios, having directional signs would be extremely useful and can make one’s life a lot less stressful.

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Vinyl Graphics on Satellite Dish Covers: A Unique Signage Opportunity

Satellite Dish Covers Draw Attention to a Local TV Station

Laura Hale, Creative Services Director from the CW69 network in Atlanta Georgia came to us with a unique idea.  They have several large satellite dishes used for their programing that are located just off one of the major interstates in Atlanta.  They were in the process of getting covers for all of their satellite dishes and called to see if it was possible to put their logos on these dish covers using vinyl graphics.

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